Friday, May 04, 2007

My Part in Getting Green

My wife Char and I have always been very aware of the environment. We recently went to the Green Festival in Chicago on April 22. The event was staged over 2 days, but we only attended the last. I thought it was a huge hit! They had speakers on a variety of subjects, many vendors showing their 'green' wares and of course food! The food was great, It was all vegetarian. and normally I am not a vegetarian, but I loved it. I have made a personal commitment to eating at least 2 vegetarian meals a week, if not more. Here are some the changes we are making in our lives to become a little more green.

Do you want to make a promise for a better Earth? Get your whole family involved, together we can make a difference!

Go to Sara Snow's Promise for a Better Earth Page

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