Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Another day, another blog

I've been running a little behind on my blogging, so here is an update from the last week +.

The Sunday before last my wife Char and I had family over for a dinner. Now not only did this family include my mother, but my sister and her husband and my mother's half-brother - Denny and his wife Diane and my mother's half-sister - Mary Lou and her husband Dick.
Now this might not sound very interesting to you, but these are relative I did not know existed until a little over a year ago.

I do alot of genealogy on the internet and I had been looking for information on my mother's father for quite some time now. One day, I came across a posting that had alot of information that matched almost exactly to the information I had. The only problem was the email address on the posting was old and not longer in use.

After doing weeks of searching, I found a new email address for this person and called him. It turned out he was my mother's half-brother! We decided to meet him and his sister and their spouses. Since then we have become closer and found much information about our families. Research on the internet is great and I will post some great genealogy sites coming soon.

What I've been listening to:

If you are a fan of Dennis DeYoung or Styx this is a must for your collection. I have seen Dennis twice with the orchestra and it is fantastic!!!

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