Friday, November 11, 2005

Tiny Goes For A Swim

I work from home and have 4 dogs. They have to be let out every few hours or accidents happen. Yesterday afternoon, I went downstairs and let them out. I waited a few minutes and three of them were done. I went outside and picked up the little one (she's too small to climb the 2 steps leading into the house). The fourth dog - Tiny Dancer who is 16 walked up to me and then decided she still had to go. She turned around and walked back out into the grass. I thought OK, I'll give her a few more minutes. I went back upstairs to check my email. The phone rang in the meantime and I answered it. I went back downstairs and open the patio door and yelled... TINY! No response. This is not unusual since she is somewhat deaf (unless you mention the word food or cookie). I proceeded over to the dining room window and looked out.. no tiny. I went to the family room window and looked out... no tiny! Where was she? I walked out into the yard and there she was... in the Koi pond swimming with fishes. I quickly ran over and pulled her out. I dried her off with two towels. The poor thing was shivering from the cold.

She is now ok.

Koi update!

The Koi that was pulled from the depths of the our pond is still alive. It's swimming on it's side, but eating. I hope it survives the winter.

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